My mother went to a fortune teller when she was younger. the woman told her about her life and her childrens lives. She talked about all the ups and downs that my brother would have. She talked about all the loves and success that my sister would have. And it seamed like in the long run things would work out for them both.
When she got to talking about me...the "youngest" son, she had nothing exciting or creative to say. She only knew that I would be happy. That is all that she said. "He will always make people smile and be happy with whatever he is given".
I love that story because I don't care if it is true...if this really happened or not. But I do look at things and see the good in them. I have been told by many that I know that I am a very nice, caring person and that I look at the world differently.
My Aunt once said that I could see God in the Devil. I think she ment I saw the glass as half full not half empty.
Love life, smile often and laugh till it hurts.
and as always,
Be well*