It funny how some situations, pictures, moments or songs...etc. can bring up an old memory or make you think of someone close. Just like when you smell something it triggers a memory. It is what makes life that much more enjoyable, memories. We create new ones every day and for some everyday :)
I was out taking photos and took a shot. Started think of an old friend from NY that was one of the few that came out to visit me when I was out west. We were not the closest friends before, but she had a kind heart and was lost in her ways. Seamed like she was trying to find a new life and/or get away from herself...her memories.
I found out from a mutual friend today, that right after she some out west to visit me, she got home and overdosed on pills. I had no clue that she was even doing anything like that from her visit with me...I am usually a pretty good judge of people that are using...since I surrounded myself with quite a few addicts growing up. She was clean while out west for a few weeks. Then she just up and left. Was out of touch for a bit and she said she was having family issues with her father being sick. Then, she was gone...I guess forever.
It is hard to think that I may have seen some of the worry and the questions in her head, now that I know how the ending was...
I think that if we all knew how it would end, we could not only help ourselves, but we could help others. I guess that is why I love life. It is impossible to control, and im OK with that.
Adreanna, this picture is for you. May you find peace in something more than a memory can capture*